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tea table artinya

contoh kalimat "tea table"
  • tea:    daun teh; teh; acara minum teh; makan malam;
  • table:    meja; tabel; table; bantuan:tabel; orang yang
  • tea:    daun teh; teh; acara minum teh; makan malam; téh; ca
  • table:    meja; tabel; table; bantuan:tabel; orang yang duduk di keliling meja; bangku; bagan; mengundurkan; tertunda; hidangan; mengemudiankan; menangguhkan; larik; méja; tunda; mesa; membekukan; [tabel;meja
  • a cup of tea:    secangkir teh
  • afternoon tea:    teh
  • arrowroot tea:    teh garut
  • assam tea:    pokok teh assam
  • barley tea:    teh jelai; boricha
  • black tea:    teh hitam
  • bubble tea:    teh susu mutiara
  • butter tea:    teh mentega
  • chinese tea:    teh cina; teh tionghoa
  • chrysanthemum tea:    teh bunga krisan; teh bunga kekwa
  • cinnamon tea:    teh kayu manis
  • You can have the Boston Tea Tables.
    Aku berikan Boston Tea Tables.
  • TEA TABLE 45 x100 x H45 cm
    SOFA 106 x55 x H80 cm cm
  • "At the tea table", Konstantin Korovin - description of the painting
    "Balestrand", Hans Dahl - deskripsi lukisan itu
  • "At the tea table", Konstantin Korovin - description of the painting
    "Gemmerfest. Cahaya Utara", Konstantin Korovin - deskripsi lukisan
  • 5. This tea table is Coordinates with other sofa collection accessories
    5. Meja teh ini berkoordinasi dengan aksesoris koleksi sofa lainnya
  • Mainly used for kitchen, dining table, tea set, desk, tea table, etc
    Terutama digunakan untuk dapur, meja makan, tea set, meja, meja teh, dll
  • Water Proof Garden Furniture Patio Seating Sets Aluminum Tea Table And Chair
    Air Bukti Garden Furniture Patio Seating Sets Aluminium Tea Table Dan Kursi
  • Barbie Doll Furniture Set Couch Tea Table Chairs and Lamps Doll Accessories
    Barbie Doll Furniture Set sofa kursi meja teh dan lampu boneka aksesoris
  • European Commercial Hotel Furniture Wooden Coffee Round Tea Table for Living Room
    European Commercial Hotel Furniture Meja Teh Kopi Round Kayu untuk Ruang Tamu
  • Coffee Tea Table Set Glass 8mm Outdoor Garden Furniture White Metal Frame
    Meja Teh Kopi Set Kaca 8mm Outdoor Garden Furniture Bingkai Logam Putih
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • a small table for serving afternoon tea